Our Commercial Approach
In this day and age with all the pressures there are in the world, it can be very easy for a business like ours to focus on the wrong thing and in doing so put our customers second.
We don't do that. Our customers are our lifeblood and without them we wouldn't go far.
In recession bitten times we recognise that we have to adapt to a changing world, not just once but all the time. We come to work today not only to do a day's work, but to do better at what we did yesterday and to be ready to improve again tomorrow.
For us, that means not only doing our best work for all our customers but helping them too. You might think that strange... but read on and see if you agree with us.
We know that our customers have constantly to juggle priorities and scant resources against a list of work which never seems to end. The painting wants doing, the gutter wants repairing, the path needs mending, the door needs fixing and so on, the list never ends and we never get to the part of the list with the nice to do things....
We understand that it can also be hard to find the trades to do all the things which just need doing.
That's where Top Rung comes in. Instead of focusing on big jobs only, we focus on repairs across a wide range of trades as well. We also focus on doing not only the large tasks but the small ones too. That's why we say that we're big on the small stuff. The stuff you can never find someone to do that easily.
And when a big job needs doing, it can be a challenge to find the resources to do it. We know that and that's why we're happy to show you how a large job can be broken up into affordable parts which can be tailored to meet even the most stringent budget.
Apart from our discount and loyalty offers which are all aimed at reducing cost to our customer, we give advice to our customers for free.