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Internal Window Cleaning:

Top Rung offers an internal window cleaning service on the same basis as our external window cleaning service. While we are happy to clean the internal surfaces of your windows as often as the outsides, in our experience they seldom need cleaning more than twice in every year.

We use exactly the same method of cleaning the internal faces of your windows as we do the outsides to provide a long lasting easy clean result.

The price of an internal clean is comparable to the price of an external clean, given an identical amount of glass surface to be cleaned. However, we will be happy to provide a quote on request. We operate our internal window cleaning service to the same appointment system as our other cleaning services.

Please note that in common with all other trades, we are not insured to touch customer possessions, So it is a specific and important term and condition of this service that all ornaments and other moveables including net curtains be first removed by the customer prior to us cleaning the insides of any windows.

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